
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


In Saturn there is no water at all. The people that visit Saturn will not survive. So It wouldn’t be a good Idea to go there.

Solution 1- A truck would come to Saturn every day. It would come with a big machine of water.

Solution 2- There would be a pipe that is connected to Earth. Then the water would come from a tunnel and it would come to Saturn.

Solution 3 - There would be someone that would come with 1000 bottles of water every day. Then they would give bottles to people that visit Saturn.

The Bottles cost 50 cents for one. So I will order ONE THOUSAND bottles and then I will deliver it to all the people that visit Saturn. The bottles are three liters so it’s quite big.

The Best Solution would the third one. There would be someone that would come with 1000 bottles of water every week . Then they would give bottles to people that visit here. The Bottles are quite big so it would last for a week.
Every week people from p\ack’n save would come to Saturn and give the bottles. They would fly in a rocket every week and give us 1000 bottles.

Maybe in the future people might live there.

Netbook Reflection

My Netbook has been great to work on. It is much more easier to type than write on a piece of paper. I have learnt heaps of things on my Netbook this year. One of my favorite things to do is to play games but when it comes to work I have to try and focuses.

The most annoying thing that I hate about my Netbook is when the Internet doesn't work. The The most annoying thing that I hate about my Netbook is when the Internet doesn't work. The other thing that I don’t like about my Netbook is when the Internet tries to reach google, it is very frustrating. When the Internet doesn't work, I just want to through my Netbook across the classroom.

The biggest differences in my learning is that my Netbook is very interesting than paper and pen.

The biggest challenge for me in my learning using a Netbook is focusing on my work. But most of the time I have been doing the right thing. So I thing that I have been Cyber Smart.

If the Netbook scheme failed and we had to go back to pen and paper. I would be very mad and very angry.